No sacred cow is left unskewered in this intriguing installment in Sir Terry Pratchett's internationally bestselling Discworld series, a divinely funny take on organized religion, petty gods, and the corrupting thirst for power.
Religion is a competitive business in the Discworld. Everyone has their own opinion and their own gods of every shape and size--all fighting for faith, followers, and a place at the top. So when the great god Om accidentally manifests as a lowly tortoise, stripped of all divine power, it's clear he's become less important than he realized.
Om needs an acolyte and fast. Enter Brutha, the Chosen One--or at least the only One available. He's a simple lad whose highest ambition is tending his melon patch--until he hears the voice of a god calling his name. A small god for sure. But bossy as Hell.
Brutha wants peace, justice, and love--but that's hard to achieve in a world where religion means power, money is worshipped, and corruption reigns supreme. . . .
The Discworld novels can be read in any order but Small Gods is a standalone.