A hilarious and heartwarming stand-alone middle grade debut, The Tragical Tale of Birdie Bloom is a whimsically fractured fairy tale perfect for fans of Shannon Hale and Adam Gidwitz.
In the fairy-tale kingdom of Wanderly, everyone has a role.
Birdie Bloom is a Tragical--an orphan doomed to an unhappy ending. Agnes Prunella Crunch is a witch. The wicked kind.
In Wanderly, a meeting between a witch and a Tragical can only end one way: tragically. But with the help of some mysterious Winds, a few wayward letters, and a very unusual book, the two might just form the kingdom's unlikeliest friendship--and together, rewrite their story into one that isn't very Tragical at all.
"I absolutely ADORED Birdie's story from beginning to end. The most charming book, footnotes and all "--Liesl Shurtliff, New York Times bestselling author of Rump