Navigating our time on earth includes not just coping with the lost of a loved one, but more often, making sense of the losses that we face every day. These every day loses have the potential to plummet us into shock, depression, anxiety, and grief.
Through Spirit, Theresa shares how to move through the pain and begin to heal on losses such as:
- Losing a friend, losing a spouse to separation or divorce
- Losing faith, losing your job, and losing safety and familiarity
- Losing your hopes and dreams, losing your youth, and losing trust
- Losing a body part, losing your will to endure, and losing confidence over past choices
As you read Good Mourning, Theresa encourages you to:
- Earmark your favorite pages and underline passages that speak to you
- Journal about what you learn
- Get crafty with the exercises
Knowing how to identify and heal from daily losses is essential because they can cause serious emotional damage if you don't process them. Theresa teaches you how to name your feelings of grief, recognize losses, and create mourning rituals around them so you can enjoy a fresh beginning.