In the land of Irpa, an ancient threat awakens, obsessed with plunging the world into eternal darkness. Luckily, chance enlists two unsuspecting heroes to save the day.
In book one, The Girl and the Galdurian, reluctant allies Bea and Cad set forth across the land of Irpa in search of Bea's missing grandfather, Alfirid the Pig Wizard, certain he holds the key to fending off the darkness that threatens to consume their world.
In the second book, Shadow of the Bird, Bea and Cad meet an ancient water spirit who reveals the source of the darkness, Kest Ke Belenus--the Bird--eager to destroy all remaining light from in Irpa.
And in the third installment, The Dark Times, Bea, Cad, and the rest of their fellowship pursue Irpa's deepest and darkest secrets hidden within the Citadel of Knowledge, a temple thought lost to the shadows. Their quest unveils more questions than answers, until they find a clue to a mystery from long ago . . . and a beacon of hope for the future.