Your business and its people need to be"CustomerCentric"--willing and able to identifyand serve customers' needs in a world wherecompetition waits just a mouse-click away.Traditional wisdom has long held that sellingmeans convincing and persuading buyers. Buttoday's buyers no longer want or need to be soldin traditional ways.
CustomerCentric Selling givesyou mastery of the crucial eight aspects ofcommunicating with today's clients to achieveoptimal results:
What's more, CustomerCentric Selling teaches andreinforces key tactics that will make the most ofyour organization's resources. Perhaps you feelyou don't have the smartest internal systems inplace to ensure an ideal workflow. (Perhaps, asis all too common, you lack identifiable systemsalmost entirely.) From the basics--and beyond--ofstrategic budgeting and negotiation to assessingand developing the skills of your sales force, you'lllearn how to make sure that each step yourbusiness takes is the right one.