0It's a hard reality: the people you're trying to communicate with, sell to, or convince don't really care about you. Nor do they care about what you're offering them, until they understand exactly how it'll benefit them. If you start from that assumption every time you make a presentation, write a memo, or even talk to someone in the elevator, you'll make more money, grow your business, and have more fun. Of course, merely knowing what people care about is one thing...changing the way you communicate is a whole different matter. In So What, world-renowned sales consultant Mark Magnacca shows you how. You'll learn why the #1 question you need to answer is "So What: What's In It for Me?" Then, you'll learn exactly how to answer that question brilliantly, no matter who's asking it, or what you're trying to achieve. Drawing on his experience helping thousands of sales and management professionals become more effective, you'll learn how to instinctively anticipate and plan for the "So What" question... use the "So What Matrix" to clarify your value proposition... create great "So What" positioning statements... even build yourself a personal biography that passes the "So What Test" and powerfully differentiates yourself from your competition. This book won't stay on your shelf: it's a breakthrough tool you can use to improve every interaction you have and supercharge your success, in business and in life.