A compelling solution to ending the tragically high degree of poverty and social dysfunction among Canada's First Nations peoples: legal equality
For decades Canada's indigenous and non-indigenous elites have been mindlessly doubling down on the apartheid-like, "separate but equal" dysfunctional status quo that has so harmed the vast majority of vulnerable, marginalized indigenous Canadians: all to no benefit
Author-lawyer Peter Best offers as a compelling alternative the Nelson Mandela solution: complete legal equality with the rest of Canadians-the necessary precursor to social and economic equality- by amending the Canadian constitution, repealing the Indian Act, converting the reserves, and ending all the other special rights and entitlements that have so oppressed them.
Mr. Best also issues a strong warning against the serious diminution of Crown sovereignty by our Supreme Court and our politicians, resulting in a serious threat to the rule of law, serious economic harm, and harm to our national welfare generally.
A respectful and heartfelt argument and plea for our First Nations peoples to join our increasingly racially indifferent 21st century Canadian family on the basis of full equality of rights and responsibilities.century Canadian family on the basis of full equality of rights and responsibilities.