This is a funny story about a young girl named Izzy, who has autism and goes to school but still can't talk. While she may have trouble saying things, Izzy loves to express herself using all of her senses. She loves to smell, see, hear, taste and touch just about everything and would like to share with you a glimpse of why she does the things that she does.
She knows that she is different from her friends and family, making it hard for her to be a part of our world. She sees things differently, listens differently and can behave differently, and when she wants to say something, she can sometimes get frustrated when words don't come out. It's not easy being Izzy, but with a little bit of understanding, a happy smile and a kind heart, maybe we can join in her adventures and be a part of her world.
Izzy is Me is written for her K-6 friends and all those who live, work or play with someone that has autism or might know someone with autism. The hope is that we all learn to better love, understand and be kind to one another and share a little more Aloha around the world.
by Chemistry Student Lab Notebook, Michelia
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