as she juggles friends, school, and of course, saving the world using her bubblegum superpowers, in this thrilling and immersive superhero story. Gabby has a new friend by her side...former bully Natalie Gooch! With their friendship blossoming, Gabby is eager to fight for justice and protect her town. But when a substitute teacher returns to Fillmore Elementary acting
un poco strange, Gabby learns that danger might be closer than it seems. Will a Gum Girl team finally assemble? Or will Gabby Gomez finally be stretched to her limits?
Sink your teeth into a new flavor of superhero in these fully illustrated, high-energy, and hilarious chapter books packed with bubblegum pink artwork and sprinkled with Spanish words throughout.
Catch the rest of The Gumazing Gum Girl! series adventures: The Gumazing Gum Girl! Chews Your DestinyThe Gumazing Gum Girl! Gum Luck!The Gumazing Gum Girl! Popped StarThe Gumazing Gum Girl! Cover Blown