This Norton Critical Edition includes:
Hemingway's first major work (1925) along with two episodes that he discarded from In Our Time, "Three Shots" and "On Writing."
J. Gerald Kennedy's insightful introduction, note on the text, and detailed explanatory footnotes.
A rich selection of contextual materials essential for fully appreciating this remarkable short-story collection, including generous samples of Hemingway's related journalism and correspondence and eight major early reviews.
Twenty-two critical essays, helpfully organized by complete collection, comparison of In Our Time to in our time (its precursor), and individual stories.
A chronology and a selected bibliography.
About the Series
Read by more than 12 million students over fifty-five years, Norton Critical Editions set the standard for apparatus that is right for undergraduate readers. The three-part format--annotated text, contexts, and criticism--helps students to better understand, analyze, and appreciate the literature, while opening a wide range of teaching possibilities for instructors. Whether in print or in digital format, Norton Critical Editions provide all the resources students need.
"J. Gerald Kennedy brings together a long overdue authoritative text of In Our Time with crucial early reviews, the most useful current criticism, and materials from Hemingway's manuscripts, journalism, and correspondence that are essential for appreciating this masterpiece." --Carl Eby, Appalachian State University
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