Explore the incredible story of Billy, a young boy who defied all odds to pursue his dreams. Along his adventurous path, he forges a profound connection with a special companion, setting the stage for a remarkable tale of resilience and self-belief.
From the Author: I founded this charity when I was 22. Growing up in a tiny city with many inequalities as kids we thought that's what the rest of the world is like. I will make change rather than wait for it to happen. Change comes from pain and unwavering will to improve the world. This is a surreal collaboration, and your support would be much appreciated. I hope you enjoy the story. It's a very unique project.
100% will be donated. Sales will not cover costs or time taken for illustrations which are all hand drawn, it will all go to charity.
A Picture book for children that adults can relate to and enjoy too! A must have for your coffee table.