9Excellent keys, superbly drawn illustrations. To the student or layman I recommend this book most highly. -- Farida A. Wiley, American Museum of Natural History
Nature lovers will welcome this authoritative, easily accessible guide to all woody plants -- trees, shrubs, or vines -- both wild and cultivated, commonly found in the Northeastern United States and adjacent parts of Canada. The book omits lengthy technical descriptions in favor of easy-to-use keys covering such characteristics as leaves, twigs, bark, buds, seeds, stems, fruit or fruit stalks, and other identifying traits. For this revised edition, Dr. Graves added a Winter Key, which, together with the Summer Key, facilitates identification throughout the year.
With the help of these keys, a section of shortcuts for the novice, a glossary, and over 300 detailed, accurate pen-and-ink drawings, even beginners will be able to quickly and accurately identify a wide variety of plants. Rigorous enough for the scientists, yet easily accessible to the layman, this book is the ideal resource for naturalists, hikers, amateur botanists, gardeners, homeowners -- anyone who wants to know more about the trees and shrubs of the Northeast.
An outstanding feature of the book is the more than 300 pen-and-ink drawings by a noted botanical artist, Maud H. Purdy. It is a real pleasure to view page after page of these original and excellent drawings reproduced from copper plates. -- Scientific Monthly