0Long recommended by leading paper folding experts, this book is the perfect introduction to the ancient Japanese art of origami and other paper folding. It contains a crystal-clear text and more than 275 diagrams showing each stage in the paper folding process.
You'll find instructions for making over forty different pieces: decorated place mats, drinking cups, bonbon boxes you can use, sailboats, roosters, battleships, Chinese towers, birds that stand upright, frogs that move their legs, airplanes, cradles, Japanese lanterns, sunfish, talking goose heads, and thirty other ingenious, useful and unusual objects.
The authors have taken special pains to anticipate and eliminate typical beginners' difficulties, and the book is particularly helpful in demonstrating how to move easily and surely from simple to complex figures. Newly reprinted in this inexpensive format, it is the perfect easy-to-follow guide for children or anyone who wants to learn the basic techniques and enjoy the creative satisfaction of paper folding.