See below for English description.
Frisson l'écureuil na pas d'amis pour la simple et bonne raison que cest trop dangereux. Il risquerait de se faire mordre! Évidemment, il est très bien préparé, au cas où il rencontrerait un ami potentiel. Il possède un porte-nom, des mitaines, un miroir et un citron pour s'assurer de faire bonne impression...
In his latest adventure, Scaredy Squirrel sets out to make The Perfect Friend. And once he's spotted a perfectly safe candidate (with no teeth), Scaredy's ready. Armed with a name tag, mittens, a mirror and a lemon, he's prepared to make The Perfect First Impression. But just when every detail is under control, Scaredy's Action Plan takes a surprising -- and toothy -- turn. Will he survive this ordeal? Will he find his kindred spirit? Will he discover the true meaning of friendship?
Original title: Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend