Selling gym memberships is a true art and like art you can create a beautiful masterpiece that brings you millions of dollars or you can be a starving artist. In this groundbreaking new book, you will learn how a man turned himself from a membership sales beginner into a membership sales master, selling millions of dollars in memberships along the way.
You'll discover:Owners, operators, personal trainers, and program directors of gyms, fitness centers, health clubs, and martial arts studios who want to close more sales so that they can make more money with less effort. In fact, anyone who is involved in personal selling of any kind will benefit from the knowledge and experience shared in this book. From handling leads to closing prospects, this book takes you through it all.
Plus get these FREE BONUS GUIDESPurchase the book, text AOSMBONUS to (678) 506-7543, and you'll get these FREE BONUS GUIDES:
10 Low Cost to No Cost Ways to Promote, Market, and Generate Leads for Your Gym The Silver Bullets of Selling: How to Generate Non Stop ReferralsScroll up and get your copy today.