aximus and Darren were raised to believe that there were none more righteous than the Bitten Knights, and their dragons, who so selflessly defend Dazawrath. So, no one in the north was surprised when Maximus found his hand between the fangs of the newest dragon hatchling, as he had proven to be the ideal Bitten Knight--fearless, unyielding, and filled with unlimited potential. But when a twist of fate diverts Maximus' path, his unlikely brother, Darren, is forced to secretly inherit his sibling's identity, destiny, and dragon. Although Darren may lack the skill and strength to survive the training, he may just have the wit and the will.
Meanwhile, clear on the other side of the world, their friend Ryker has become entangled in a deadly cult that claims to have uncovered the dark truth of the Bitten Knights. Each day their forces steadily grow in size and might. Their purpose? Eradicate the very thing Darren is now destined to become.