Information you Need to Know For The EXAM.
Are you looking to pass the NCMHCE? If you answered yes, then this guide will challenge your strengths and weaknesses. What is the key to passing the exam? Knowing the DSM-5 Disorders, assessments, and theories used in counseling = Pass.
Ask yourself the following questions: Do you know the difference between Bipolar 1 Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder? What are the symptoms of Panic Disorder? What is the duration of symptoms? How do you treat Schizophrenia Disorder? What assessment is used for ADHD? If you couldn't answer these questions without looking it up then your not ready to spend all your time learning how to take the exam. Redirect your focus on learning the information needed to know by all counselors.
The Simplified NCMHCE Study Guide is for individuals taking the NCMHCE exam. The guide includes information needed to know in preparing for this exam. Many times individuals are caught up in the exam set-up and focus most of their time on preparing how to take the test and fail to recognize that knowing counseling information is your key to passing. Knowing the DSM-5, assessments, and theories used in counseling is the key to your success in passing. Remember, you are the only person that can guarantee that pass and I can tell you once an individual masters the information understanding the test set up is the next step to learn so you can pass the exam.
The guide contains:
Introduction to the test
Need to know terms
Recommended strategies on how to break down a case
Explanation and recommendation of theoretical orientation used in counseling
Explanation of various assessments used in counseling
Short cases to test your knowledge
Practice exam case
Once you know your information you are ready to move on to the stage of applying your knowledge by completing practice exams. The hard work you put in is your pass - so be ready and dive into learning the information.
Your study guide to SUCCESS.