"Words to Live Victoriously" is a collection of over 1,000 quotations contained in 386 categories of Scriptures, Christian interpretations, teachings and biblical doctrines from wise and notable people. Topical sections are categorized alphabetically beginning with Ability and ending with Zeal.
The author visited colleges and universities gathering information over a 30-year period. These references originate from India, Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the US. Combined insights from several hundred instructive writers provide direction on what worked for them. This material is straightforward and valuable in steering your spiritual life toward moral truth while enjoying a richer understanding of biblical instructions.
The words of Jesus Christ are easy to understand and help to establish lifetime values. Many citations reflect a variety of people that have based a foundation of their lives on His words. Reflecting on ideas of the past and taking stock for the future is vital to spiritual growth. This book is a handy reference for anyone interested in a deeper understanding of Christian faith. Practical answers for modern-day problems become evident as we gain understanding that God's love will protect us as we walk with Him in His victory.