Contending with metastatic prostate cancer, Jeff Rast has diligently pursued a holistic journey to healing, health, and wholeness. At one point, the cancer had aggressively spread to the point that death seemed all but certain. Nevertheless, with the strategic support from his wife, Carol, Jeff passionately pursues health and vigor through a combination of factors including an anti-cancer diet, exercise, stress management, the power of the mind, faith, and a variety of therapeutic options that work with the body, not against it. The goal has been to live better, not just longer.
In this book, Jeff provides valuable perspective and guidance that will help you get your bearings so that you can chart your own course for healing, health, and wholeness.
Primarily written for those who just received a cancer diagnosis, the book will also help family and friends of cancer patients. It helps everyone build a common understanding regarding holistic healing from cancer.
The book begins by helping patients get into the right frame of mind, and to deal with common fears so as to avoid rash decisions. Jeff then provides an overview and evaluation of conventional cancer therapies, before surveying key components that help cure cancer naturally.