Judy recounts her experiences of living life as an Anam Aira, a soul companion, for those who have died or are in the final stages of dying.
Judy was awakened to this great service for humans and our animal companions as she was finishing her 47-year career as a left-brain-focused Intensive Care RN.
She has been doing Anam Aira work for several years, helping hundreds of people - those about to pass over to the Other Side, those already over There and those still here in physical form. The connection across the Veil is Love-Affirming for all and relieves the fear of death for those still here.
"We are eternal souls who live forever and therefore, healing of emotional or spiritual wounds can be facilitated, even if one or more of the people in the wounding are no longer physically alive. Healing, Joy and Peace are always assured." - Judy Hilyard