9This is the sequel to The Enchanted World of Twin Flame: Book One. This novel, which is now being adapted for the screen, is the continued true story of the spiritual and emotional journey and intense physical connection of a nurse, Sylvia, who by circumstances of fate, meets a police officer, London. In this book, Sylvia takes us on her extremely personal spiritual (5-D journey) as her spirit guides seek to help her more fully understand the deep connection and meaning of pure, unconditional love and all things of the heavenly realms. Loaded with light codes and spiritual downloads for the seeker of love, this book will help you understand your Twin Flame (or love) journey and your soul connections more fully. This series takes us on a deep and fast-paced ride, infused with mystery and divinity. The series helps bring to the reader a greater self-awareness which leads to wholeness, unity, union with self, as well as peace, harmony, and balance.