What is it about Christians these days? For most non-Christians, they call us hypocrites! I get it, we act mightier and higher than thou and then never actually live out the lifestyle of being a Christian. That used to be me, I was a lukewarm Christian! I knew of faith but had none. I had heard about praying but never prayed. I read that we should be kind and love our enemies but gossiped about people in hate and frustration. Then the Holy Spirit touched my heart and I began to know and see the truth about Christianity and how God really wanted us to live. He is calling us to deeper relationship with HIM! I decided to write a devotional about the 30 most important Christian concepts because growing up in the church; I had completely missed the importance of these ideas. I included my testimony and then in depth study of the top 30 Christian ideas. I have scriptures to look up that support the idea and then reflective questions to promote further contemplation and prayer. Please join me in a deeper dive into relationship with our Father and Savior. Whether you are Christian, Catholic, Baptist, this devotional is for you! Be blessed!