"Amazing Rhyme, Vinny McVee, The Bully And Me," is the third book of the new "Amazing Rhyme: A Read and Rhyme Book" series. All the books in this new series are written as story rhymes and based on lessons about developing good character. The first book,"Amazing Rhyme, Know-It-All Nora," focuses on the skills of listening and responsibility. The second book, "Amazing Rhyme: The Curl," focuses on self-esteem. This book, "Amazing Rhyme, Vinny McVee, The Bully And Me," is about bullying.
Bullying has been identified as a serious and complex worldwide problem, as well as its associated short, and long term negative effects on the well being of both the victim and the bully. I wrote this story to give parents and teachers key talking points that can help children understand the issues around bullying. Developing this early ongoing dialogue with children will help them to develop a better insight into self, which in turn will help them avoid becoming a victim or a bully.
Presenting this story in rhyme lets your child experience the rhythm of language. It promotes reading and speaking with expression and animated voices, as it provides a sense of security and confidence through its rhythm and predictability. The bright colorful images combined with the rhyming text are a winning combination that will capture and hold your child's interest.
Overall, "Amazing Rhyme, Vinny McVee, The Bully And Me," of the "Read And Rhyme Book" series will provide a positive environment that promotes discussion about bullying, and building positive character traits. The Parent Pages, included in this book, contain additional resources and activities that will help to enrich your child's rhyming skills. So sit back and relax while you enjoy this creative learning experience with your child.