Set sail for adventure with Santiago and his pirate crew from Nickelodeon's new animated show Santiago of the Seas in this full-color storybook with a card game! A day at the beach becomes magical when Santiago from Nickelodeon's
Santiago of the Seas discovers the lost treasure of the legendary Capitán Calavera. It turns him and his friends Tomás and Lorelai into the new Pirate Protectors of their home, Isla Encanto-but can they protect the treasure from selfish pirate Bonnie Bones? Children ages 3 to 7 will be thrilled by this exciting storybook with card game!
Santiago of the Seas is an interactive action-adventure series for preschoolers starring Santiago Montes, an 8-year old boy who discovers the mystical compass of fabled pirate Capitán Calavera, making him the next Pirate Protector of the High Seas. Along with his crew, cousin Tomás and Lorelai the mermaid, Santiago goes on heroic quests against nefarious villains and proves that kindness and good deeds can always save the day!