4In this book and video course, piano professor, Damon Ferrante will lead you from a beginner level to make you play better than ever! His step-by-step method on how to play the piano has been proven to be easy to follow and to reduce the effort, time, and expense of piano learning. Learn piano by playing songs! Thousands of pianists of all ages appreciate the fact that Ferrante's methods enhance creativity and make piano playing fun! No music reading is required! This book is Level 2 of the series. Ask yourself this: 1. Have you always wanted to learn how to play the piano, but did not know where to start? 2. Did you begin piano lessons once and give up because the lessons were too difficult? 3. Are you struggling to follow online piano lessons that seem to jump all over the place without any sense of direction or consistency? 4. Would you like to expand your musical understanding and learn how to play the piano through an affordable, step-by-step book and video course? If your answer to any of the these questions is yes, then this book and video course is definitely for you! "Beginner Piano Elements for Adults, Level 2" is a book and video course that follows a step-by-step lesson format for learning how to play the piano. It is designed for beginners and no music experience is necessary to use the book. Each lesson builds on the previous one in a fun, clear, and easy-to-understand manner--giving you confidence and a new ability with the piano. This book and video course will enliven your creativity and strengthen your understanding of music, taking things to the next level! This is the second volume in a multi-level piano book and video series.