A literal heaven on earth was once built. This entails how The World achieved it, before they broke it.
The earth was coming apart at the seams. Fire was raging out of control, water cruising every root and soul, earthquakes ruling over solid ground, furious hurricanes pushing revenge schemes over manmade climate change, while people lusting to send each other at death's door. Humans thought Mother Nature was to blame; on the other hand, she condemned that their evil seed was sprouting and ruining her.
One man however was ready to settle the dispute with a brain machine that could set the world free from evil minds and establish a heaven on earth free of crime and misery of labour - for the whole population to live like angels without wings with no worries and responsibilities. He was almost there by an inch, until his old age forced him to delegate to the young. They were to continue to fight the earth to stop her abrupt temper; however, until a long lost fantasy, and a memory, were brought back to life.