No doubt you are devastated and grieving multilayered losses. Partners of sex addicts frequently experience the anguish of betrayal, which is multifaceted and nuanced. A betrayed partner may experience betrayal-trauma responses such as emotional instability, grief, despair, low self-esteem, body-image issues, anxiety, and depression, to name but a few consequences.
This workbook offers a detailed description of the steps involved in grief processing and healing from betrayal trauma. Dr Fai provides a practical picture of suggested techniques that are based on current research and brain science while urging a holistic approach to betrayal-trauma recovery. She also developed a 12-Steps for betrayed partners in this book, which adds a new layer to healing and is influenced by the original 12-Steps.
Currently, Dr Fai is the only academic in Australia who holds a PhD in sexual addiction, its impact on female partners' well-being and lived experiences, and betrayal trauma. In addition, Dr Fai is an accomplished author of multiple books and academic articles on sex addiction and betrayal trauma in partners. She is the author of multiple international academic articles, and the #1 Amazon bestsellers, Reclaim Your Life, Recovery Journey Workbook and The Pain And Betrayal Trauma Caused By Sexual Addiction.
Dr Fai Seyed is the director of the House of Hope Counselling and Psychotherapy Centre in Brisbane, Australia. She is also a trainer and a supervisor. With her considerable therapeutic experience, Dr Fai has helped adolescents, adults, couples, and families deal with a range of life's challenges.