This book is a poetic coming of age story. Each poem is a snippet from journals I have kept over the last three years.
The book details each stage of life, or each experience, in five chapters. First is the intense emotional trauma from childhood sexual abuse and second about overcoming the shame, guilt, fear and self-loathing that followed. The third is learning to let go of blame and learning to forgive others who have wronged you. Fourth is first love. The innocence and childlike way we love and the devastation that follows when we fall out of love. Fifth is finding your heart. Finding your place in the world, finding a connection to the earth and spirituality.
I have allowed my heart to be translated into words through this short book. My pain, my love and all the other inner workings of my mind now have a place in ink. I hope this story makes you filled with hope, makes you feel connected and makes you feel warmed and touched.
From my heart to yours,