e spewed by studio executive honchos when passing on a script is, "I liked it, didn't love it." What happensto your screenplay or novel when it leaves your hands and is submitted to a studio or production company? What does "in development" really mean? Rona Edwards and Monika Skerbelis answer those questions and more in this newly revised, greatly expanded 3rd edition of their criticallyacclaimed book, long considered the quintessential bible on development. A required textbook at universities worldwide for writing, producing, and development courses, the book sheds light on the inner workings of the feature film and TV development process, who all the playersare, and how they fit together as content creators at film studios, TV networks, agencies, and production companies. They tackle how to findnew ideas, what it takes to be a development executive or a story analyst, tips on pitching, and how television and the Internet are changing and evolving, creating greater opportunities for storytellers.Are you ready for Hollywood? Get the answers from industry Pros, Rona Edwards and Monika Skerbelis. Through personal experiences and examples they'll teach you what it takes to make it in Hollywood as a development executive, producer, writer or director. Chapters also include exercises that will help readers find new ideas and developing them as well as offer tips on pitching your projects, a comprehensive resource chapter and much, much more.