En esta Biblia, el Dr. Maxwell explica lo que conlleva ser un lÃder piadoso, y cómo Dios es glorificado cuando tú aceptas el papel al cual has sido llamado. Incluye excelentes artÃculos y conceptos que la harán un recurso invaluable en tu biblioteca sobre el tema del liderazgo.
Encontrarás las 21 leyes irrefutables del liderazgo, y Las 21 Cualidades indispensables de un lÃder, con lecciones sobre personajes bÃblicos. Más de cien perfiles biográficos presentan historias en las cuales se nos muestra la verdad de Dios acerca del liderazgo.
Caracteristicas de esta Biblia:
RVR60, Maxwell Leadership Bible, Handy Size
John Maxwell is a nationally respected expert in leadership. This Bible provides an in-depth look at God's laws for leaders and leadership. Now, you can get The Maxwell Leadership Bible in the best-selling Reina Valera 1960 text.
In this Bible, Dr. Maxwell explains what a godly leader is and how God is glorified when you accept the role you're called to. It includes great articles and insights that will become an invaluable part of your leadership library. You'll find 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader with lessons about Biblical characters who exemplified each. Over 100 biographical profiles feature stories that share God's truth about leadership.
This edition includes new empowering, inspiring tools to equip you to be an even better leader: Complete Reina Valera 1960 text and translators' notes - Book introductions - Articles describing the 21 Laws of Leadership and the 21 Qualities of a Leader - Notes throughout the Bible that connect with the Laws and Qualities - Indexes to the 21 Laws of Leadership and the 21 Qualities of a Leader.
This Bible offers supplemental information on the following topics: Leadership Laws, Servanthood, Teachability, Vision, Control, Convictions, Correction, Credibility, Criticism, Decision Making, Delegation, Discipline, Encouragement, Equipping, Ethics, Planning, Power, Practicality, Pride, Priorities, Purpose, Responsibility, Restoration, Spirituality, Standards, Stewardship, Submission, Teamwork, Tolerance, Trust, Values, Wisdom.