Lilah Calhoun falls in love with a man who harbors scandalous secrets about her family. During a storm off the coast of Maine where her home, the Towers, stands, Lilah Calhoun rescued a mysterious stranger from the turbulent sea. Professor Max Quartermain believes he hallucinated the beautiful mermaid who rescued him from certain death.
In the wake of the near tragedy, an undeniable desire grows between them. Lilah is surprised by the intense attraction she feels for the man she saved. She's never met a man like him before - reserved and intelligent, but with a deep, passionate side she wants to know better. But Lilah knows Max is hiding something - something about the Calhouns, that threatens her family's future and any chance for love between them.
This is a first-time regular print hardcover edition of a title previously available as a mass market paperback.