El Arc ngel siempre estar con usted
El Arc ngel Miguel es considerado como el m s importante en las tradiciones Judia, Isl mica y Cristriana. A trav s de la historia siempre ha aparecido como protector, gu a, mensajero, guerrero y benefactor. En Miguel, Richard Webster describe simples t cnicas para contactar el Arc ngel, solicitar su ayuda, y establecer una relaci n efectiva y duradera. Por medio de la meditaci n y f ciles rituales, aprender c mo comunicarse con el Pr ncipe de la Luz para lograr la gu a espiritual deseada.
English Translation
The Archangel will always be with you
The Archangel Michael is considered to be the most important in the Jewish, Islamic and Christian traditions. Throughout history he has always appeared as protector, guide, messenger, warrior and benefactor. In Michael, Richard Webster describes simple techniques for contacting the Archangel, asking for his help, and establishing an effective and lasting relationship. Through meditation and easy rituals, you will learn how to communicate with the Prince of Light to achieve the desired spiritual guidance.