5Children need to know their place in the world. The account of Jesus in the New Testament shows God's love for all. By establishing His Church on the Solid Rock, we begin to understand our place in the story, today. Readers of New Testament Storybook for Kids learn the real story of how they are loved by their real Savior. Written for children ages 5 to 11, New Testament Storybook for Kids includes 62 biblical accounts that teach children how Jesus lived, died, rose again, and how the Holy Spirit continues to transform lives through the Word of God. With colorful, realistic artwork and illustrations, and easy reader explanations, the presentation of the New Testament is an introduction to the story of Jesus
and His church. Stories included follow the New Testament through: Jesus' Birth, Jesus' Ministry, Holy Week, The Passion of Jesus, Jesus' Resurrection and Ascension, Pentecost and the New Testament Church.