plores the little-understood art of mundane astrology--making predictions about the political and economic condition of nations on the basis of planetary movements. Mundane charts are cast in the same way as natal charts, but their delineation--that is, the analysis of factors and their synthesis into a complete picture--follows different rules.
Suitable for astrology students of every level, this complete guide: - Takes readers from initial theory to practice; - Explores the planetary meanings, houses, and aspects as specific to mundane astrology; - Discusses historical case studies for major planetary happenings and political events; and - Teaches readers how to cast and interpret mundane charts for insights on past, present, and future political events.
The practices of mundane astrology span back through five thousand years of human history and insight. With The Astrology of Nations, discover more about this fascinating practice and how the stars will continue to influence nations and politics today and beyond.