The lessons in Journey of Faith for Children, Inquiry begin with the concept of faith in the Catholic Church and continue the exploration into many topics that are discussed further throughout the program. Some of the concepts include the Trinity, Jesus as fully human and fully divine, an introduction to the Bible, prayer life, the Mass, Church leadership, Mary, and the saints.
Children learn at their own pace. They learn by asking questions and by doing. That's why we've combined the lessons with a variety of engaging activities to appeal to a variety of learners in a way that's flexible enough for you to modify to your unique needs. Each lesson also includes a colorful animated drawing and ongoing story that captures children's attention and enables them to see their own faith journey mirrored in the fictional adventures of Mrs. Evans and her OCIA class.
The comprehensive Leader Guide gives you everything you need to walk into your OCIA class and start leading--whether you're a veteran OCIA instructor or a first-time volunteer. Additional discussion points prepare you for their responses and keep the conversation going. The contemporary wraparound design enables you to see what the children see so you can spend more time teaching and growing in faith alongside your group.
The process by which adults are initiated into the Catholic faith throughout the United States is now called the OCIA--the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. "Order" is a clearer translation of the Latin term for the process formerly known as the RCIA--the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. People preparing for baptism and reception into the Church celebrate several rites as part of the order to which those rites belong--an order whose mission is to journey in the faith. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops adopted the name change in 2021, with American dioceses introducing the name thereafter. For more information, please contact your local diocese.