I didn't think there was a way out.
Many churches and individuals now affirm the gay Christian life and cheer-on LGBTQ Pride. But what if the LGBTQ life isn't the party-for our neighbors, loved ones, or ourselves-that the world says it is? What if these valuable people are in pain? Pain that sex and Gay Pride won't heal?
After a life of hopelessness and a suicidal season over his confused sexual identity and unwanted same-sex desires, Ken discovered that Jesus offered real inner healing and intimate relationship. Since then, Ken has worked tirelessly to help others experience the same hope and transformation he found.
In The Journey Out, Ken Williams will...
If you are longing to be deeply known and unconditionally loved, Jesus wants to fulfill those desires, regardless of your area of struggle. You will meet Him in the pages of The Journey Out and discover a new life filled with true hope and enduring joy!