What does Heaven look like?
And what did Randy Kay learn from his afterlife encounter?
As a human development researcher, medical advisor, and director of clinical support, Randy Kay was not given to fantastical ideas about the spirit realm or embellished "divine encounters."
But after clinically dying in the hospital, Randy Kay had a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus in Heaven.
In his first book, Dying to Meet Jesus, Randy shared this experience, but not the supernatural insights and profound discoveries he received. Now, Randy senses a timely assignment from the Holy Spirit to answer the question so many readers have asked: what did you learn while you were in Heaven?
In Revelations from Heaven, Randy leads you into a heavenly encounter of your own, revealing 31 revelations that God is unveiling to you. These insights include...
Take hold of the amazing truths that Heaven has released through Randy's incredible experience, and see for yourself the powerful life-change that can accompany Revelations from Heaven.
by Prakash, Saikrishna Bangalore
Hardcover /Hardcover$22.46