What would you do if you could text God all your questions, all your worries, all your doubts and fears to God? What if He was always online and would always answer you? Would you start typing right now?
Someone once said that the single most important thing about you is your thoughts on God. Give that a minute to sink in. Why would that be? Because all your thoughts about humanity, love, suffering, and the like are shaped primarily by whether or not you think there is any meaning to it all, by whether or not you are on your own, and by whether or not God even cares about it all. Knowing who God is will give you answers to life's big questions that you might not have even known you needed.
The TEXT Bible gives you a practical and memorable Bible study method that you can use with any passage of Scripture: Talk to God; Encounter God and humanity; eXamine your heart; Talk to others. Plus, there's so much more!
Features include:
by The Conscience and Justice Council and M
Paperback /Paperback$15.00