Este libro aborda sin tapujos la pregunta más inquietante de la vida: " Por qué?". Basándose en su larga experiencia como psicólogo cristiano y consejero familiar, el Dr. Dobson trae esperanza a aquellos que casi se han rendido. Cuando lo que Dios hace no tiene sentido también ayuda a los creyentes a evitar la "barrera de la traición" la sensación de que Dios los abandona en medio de las tormentas de la vida.
When God Doesn't Make Sense is an immensely practical book for those who are struggling with trials and heartaches they can't understand. Why does disease, natural disaster, divorce, rejection, death, or some other sorrow seep into our lives when we are trying to serve the Lord? It just doesn't seem fair!This book deals unflinchingly with life's most troubling question―"Why?" Drawing on his long experience as a Christian psychologist and family counselor, Dr. Dobson brings hope to those who have almost given up. When God Doesn't Make Sense also helps believers avoid the "betrayal barrier"―the sense that God is abandoning them amid the storms of life.