Avengers, assemble! Experience the adventures of three different Super Heroes--Thor, Captain Marvel, and Black Panther--in this interactive Movie Theater Storybook with a handheld projector revealing 20 additional images. Go on three exciting adventures with Thor, Captain Marvel, and Black Panther in this interactive storybook! Join Thor and Kamala Khan--who is secretly the Super Hero Ms. Marvel--as they do everything they can to stop the Inventor's evil plot to create an army of villainous super-birds in
A Marvelous Duo. Then, witness Captain Marvel and Gamora battle Thanos and Yon-Rogg, their greatest enemies, on a strange purple planet in
Escape From Planet Nightmare. Finally, experience the wonder of Wakanda as the Black Panther attempts to stop Klaw from exacting revenge on the Wakandan palace in
Klaw's Revenge. With three adventure-filled stories and a handheld projector with 5 discs that reveal a total of 20 images, this book is perfect for young Marvel fans!