For centuries, Luther's Small Catechism has been and continues to be a valuable tool for both pastors and parents in their spiritual teaching roles. What Does This Mean? Exploring Our Christian Faith is written especially for families with grade school children.
This remarkable book will remind you that the catechism is not simply a textbook; it is a book that connects you to the message of life in the Bible by helping you discover and study biblical teachings in a planned way.
You and your children will better understand what Baptism means for you, the blessings of the Lord's Supper, the meaning of the Lord's Prayer, the power and love of our heavenly Father, the redemption that is ours in his Son, the significance of the Holy Spirit's work, and much more.
Featuring one devotion for each question in the catechism, this book will help prepare your children for catechism class and prepare believers of all ages for a life of faith!