0Con una voz categ rica y determinada, MacDonald haceunllamadoaloshombresavelar, estarfirmesen la fe, esforzarse y hacer todo con amor. No es a ser bravucones. Es un llamado a combinar ternura y firmeza, a ser humildes, a seguir a Jes s. Es un llamado a ser l deres, hombres de Dios, esposos que est n presentes, que se preocupan y que sean fuertes. Es un di logo franco --sin darle vueltas al asunto-- invitando a los hombres a la redenci n y restauraci n de su hombr a.
In his definitive, bold voice, MacDonald calls men to bewatchful, firmintheirfaith, strong, and loving. This isn't a call for bravado and bluster. It's a call for men to mix tender and tough, to be humble, to follow Jesus. It is a call to be leaders, men of God, husbands who are present and caring and strong. It is straight talk--no posturing or posing or beating around the bush--inviting men to redemption and restoration in their manhood.