Set includes intensive review content, practice Q&A, convenient flashcards, and 6 months' free access to the companion ExamPrepConnect digital course!
With comprehensive review content, practice Q&A, convenient flashcards, and interactive digital prep included with purchase, this complete family nurse practitioner certification exam prep set gives you all the tools you need to study your way and the confidence to pass the FNP exam the first time, guaranteed! The set features the new fifth edition of Maria Codina Leik's highly acclaimed Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review, which continues its tradition of synthesizing complex knowledge into a concise, well-organized format. The fifth edition has been revised and enhanced to feature key information about the AANPCB and ANCC FNP certification exams; 500 new end-of-chapter review questions; and full-color photos, illustrations, and tables. It also features 4 full-length practice tests with hundreds of new questions and rationales--more than 1,200 questions in total. Invaluable test-taking techniques and enhanced question dissection and analysis chapters help you identify the best clues during the problem-solving process so that you can strategically master the certification exam.
This family nurse practitioner certification exam review set also features the companion Family Nurse Practitioner Q&A Flashcards, which provide a highly effective and efficient way to retain knowledge. These sturdy, perforated, easy-to-use cards deliver 750 exam-style Q&As with detailed rationales. The flashcards are distilled from Maria Codina Leik's Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review, Fifth Edition, and are color-coded by exam blueprint topic for easy access. Shuffle the deck to randomize the questions or study one exam topic at a time.
Key Features:
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