Myer Pearlman recorre en esta obra cada uno de los libros que componen el canon bÃblico. El estudiante de la Biblia obtendrá una información general y precisa en el análisis de esta obra. El autor expone algunas de las caracterÃsticas más importantes de cada libro de la Biblia, y presenta un breve bosquejo del mensaje concreto de ellos.
Through the Bible
"Through the Bible" offers a sweeping panorama that will enrich your whole being. Once you begin to review the pages of this book, you will not be able to stop reading about how God inspired his servants.
Myer Pearlman in this volume outlines the contents of each of the books in the Biblical canon. In this work, the student of the Bible will find both general and specific information for analysis. The author explains some of the most important characteristics of each book in the Bible and presents a brief outline of the essential message in each of these.