Provistas de características únicas como la tipografía Comfort Print(R) para la Reina - Valera 1960, un tipo de letra diseñado para evitar la fatiga visual con una lectura más fluida, y el resumen gráfico de la Biblia, una herramienta de estudio práctico que expone el contenido de la Escritura y sitúa a personas, acontecimientos y temas como puntos de partida.
Qué regalas con esta Biblia?
RVR60, Holy Bible, Gift and Award, Hardcover, Floral, Words of Jesus in Red, Comfort Print
Editorial Vida(R) Gift and Award Bibles provide all the necessary tools that will facilitate your daily walk in the Word. In addition, they are the perfect gifts for those special moments such as baptisms, quinceañeras, birthdays, and new member introductions.
These Bibles are equipped with unique features, such as the Comfort Print(R) typeface for the Reina-Valera 1960 (a typeface designed to avoid eyestrain with a smoother reading), a graphic summary of the Bible, and a practical study tool that outlines the content of Scripture and places people, events, and themes as starting points.
What do you get with this Bible?