1The BMW 5 Series (E60, E61) Service Manual: 2004-2010 contains in-depth maintenance, service and repair information for the BMW 5 Series from 2004 to 2010. The aim throughout has been simplicity and clarity, with practical explanations, step-by-step procedures and accurate specifications. Whether you're a professional or a do-it-yourself BMW owner, this manual helps you understand, care for and repair your BMW.
discuss repairs more intelligently with a professional technician.
Models covered
525i and 530i
* M54 engine (2004-2005)
* N52 engine (2006-2007)
* N52K engine (2008-2010)
* N54 twin turbo engine (2008-2010)
* N62 V8 engine (2004-2005)
* N62 TU V8 engine (2006-2010)