Techniques of using the Tarot cards for magic are fully explained in this book. Also covered are preparations and additions, such as how to add candles, gemstones, colors and crystals to enhance your spell.
But mostly this book is about using the cards of the Tarot to cast spells that will change your life. You'll be able to cast spells to ease stress and increase psychic ability. You'll get a spell to encourage your debtors to finally pay you, and a spell to tap your unconscious mind for knowledge.
There are spells for healing and job hunting, for finding a home and to get more friends. There are spells to bring peace between you and other family members. You'll find spells for business, for success in competition and for courage. The list of spells just goes on and on!
If you have been using the Tarot, here is a chance to increase your knowledge of the power of the cards. The book is illustrated with beautiful designs from the Robin Wood Tarot, but you can use the spells with any Tarot deck. If you want to make changes in your life, here is a way to work magic with no tools other than your Tarot deck. For ease and power, you will want to work with the secrets revealed in this book.