sthose who have transcended the lower self, those in whom wonderworking powers of siddhis have flourished. These powers, or some of them, have been brought into the research laboratories of the parapsychologists who call them extrasensory perception and psychokinesis. Others call them miracles. Whatever the terminology, such powers and their practitioners demand sensible attention. This account relates some of the achievements of one of the most impressive men of miracles to appear in centuries. Satya Sai Babahis followers believe him to be a reincarnation of Sai Baba of Shirdi who died in 1918, appears to have been born with phenomenal powers, which he used in childhood and has employed constantly and openly ever since. They include all the varieties of E.S.P. and P.K. known to psychic science and more besides. The author, a Westerner devoted to science and logic, spent many months with Satya Said Baba--he claims to have found that his "unscientific," "illogical" miracles were, in fact, genuine yogic siddhis. He found, too, that along with Christlike miraculous powers went a Christlike love, compassion and the Godknowledge that opens the door to a new vision of life.