El reconocido programa de Tracy, La Psicología de ventas, es el programa de entrenamiento en ventas más vendido de la historia. Los agentes de ventas aprenderán:
Los vendedores, dice Tracy, deben aprender a controlar sus pensamientos, sus sentimientos, y sus acciones si desean ser más efectivos.
Brian Tracy, one of the top professional speakers and sales trainers in the world today, found that his most important breakthrough in selling was the discovery that it is the 'Psychology of Selling' that is more important than the techniques and methods of selling.
Tracy's classic audio program, The Psychology of Selling, is the best-selling sales training program in history and is now available in expanded and updated book format for the first time. Salespeople will learn:
Salespeople, says Tracy, must learn to control their thoughts, feelings, and actions to make themselves more effective.