Durante más de un siglo, ha sido una herramienta extraordinaria para profundizar en temas, conceptos y pasajes de la Biblia, difÃciles de interpretar. Esta concordancia, ofrece al lector la traducción de una enorme cantidad de palabras en el idioma griego y hebreo, asà como el significado en su uso original. Los pasajes de la Biblia, serán más claros y precisos, y producirán un mayor efecto en la mente y en el corazón de quien la estudia.
Investigar a detalle los distintos pasajes de la Biblia, a través de la Nueva Concordancia Strong Exhaustiva, es una experiencia única y valiosa, para comprender más de los tesoros que Dios tiene para sus hijos en las Escrituras.
New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance is the world's favorite for those who study the Scriptures in depth, due to its high and broad theological and Biblical content.
For more than a century, it has been an extraordinary tool to deepen into difficult-to-interpret themes, concepts, and passages of the Bible. This Concordance offers the reader the translation of an enormous number of words in the Greek and Hebrew languages, as well as the meaning in their original use. The passages of the Bible will be clearer and more precise, and will have a greater effect on the mind and heart of those who study it.
Investigating in detail the different passages of the Bible, through the New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, is a unique and valuable experience, to understand more of the treasures that God has for his children in the Scriptures.
It includes: